Table of Contents



LIBBPF_API int libbpf_strerror (int err, char *buf, size_t size)
LIBBPF_API libbpf_print_fn_t libbpf_set_print (libbpf_print_fn_t fn)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_object * bpf_object__open (const char *path)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_object * bpf_object__open_file (const char *path, const struct bpf_object_open_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_object * bpf_object__open_mem (const void *obj_buf, size_t obj_buf_sz, const struct bpf_object_open_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_object * bpf_object__open_buffer (const void *obj_buf, size_t obj_buf_sz, const char *name)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_object * bpf_object__open_xattr (struct bpf_object_open_attr *attr)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__pin_maps (struct bpf_object *obj, const char *path)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__unpin_maps (struct bpf_object *obj, const char *path)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__pin_programs (struct bpf_object *obj, const char *path)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__unpin_programs (struct bpf_object *obj, const char *path)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__pin (struct bpf_object *object, const char *path)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_object__close (struct bpf_object *object)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__load (struct bpf_object *obj)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__load_xattr (struct bpf_object_load_attr *attr)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__unload (struct bpf_object *obj)
LIBBPF_API const char * bpf_object__name (const struct bpf_object *obj)
LIBBPF_API unsigned int bpf_object__kversion (const struct bpf_object *obj)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__set_kversion (struct bpf_object *obj, __u32 kern_version)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * bpf_object__btf (const struct bpf_object *obj)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__btf_fd (const struct bpf_object *obj)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_program * bpf_object__find_program_by_title (const struct bpf_object *obj, const char *title)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_program * bpf_object__find_program_by_name (const struct bpf_object *obj, const char *name)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_object * bpf_object__next (struct bpf_object *prev)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__set_priv (struct bpf_object *obj, void *priv, bpf_object_clear_priv_t clear_priv)
LIBBPF_API void * bpf_object__priv (const struct bpf_object *prog)
LIBBPF_API int libbpf_prog_type_by_name (const char *name, enum bpf_prog_type *prog_type, enum bpf_attach_type *expected_attach_type)
LIBBPF_API int libbpf_attach_type_by_name (const char *name, enum bpf_attach_type *attach_type)
LIBBPF_API int libbpf_find_vmlinux_btf_id (const char *name, enum bpf_attach_type attach_type)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_program * bpf_program__next (struct bpf_program *prog, const struct bpf_object *obj)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_program * bpf_program__prev (struct bpf_program *prog, const struct bpf_object *obj)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_priv (struct bpf_program *prog, void *priv, bpf_program_clear_priv_t clear_priv)
LIBBPF_API void * bpf_program__priv (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_program__set_ifindex (struct bpf_program *prog, __u32 ifindex)
LIBBPF_API const char * bpf_program__name (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API const char * bpf_program__section_name (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API LIBBPF_DEPRECATED ("BPF program title is confusing term; please use bpf_program__section_name() instead") const char *bpf_program__title(const struct bpf_program *prog
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__autoload (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_autoload (struct bpf_program *prog, bool autoload)
LIBBPF_API size_t bpf_program__size (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__load (struct bpf_program *prog, char *license, __u32 kern_version)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__fd (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__pin_instance (struct bpf_program *prog, const char *path, int instance)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__unpin_instance (struct bpf_program *prog, const char *path, int instance)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__pin (struct bpf_program *prog, const char *path)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__unpin (struct bpf_program *prog, const char *path)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_program__unload (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_link__open (const char *path)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_link__fd (const struct bpf_link *link)
LIBBPF_API const char * bpf_link__pin_path (const struct bpf_link *link)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_link__pin (struct bpf_link *link, const char *path)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_link__unpin (struct bpf_link *link)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_link__update_program (struct bpf_link *link, struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_link__disconnect (struct bpf_link *link)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_link__detach (struct bpf_link *link)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_link__destroy (struct bpf_link *link)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_perf_event (struct bpf_program *prog, int pfd)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_kprobe (struct bpf_program *prog, bool retprobe, const char *func_name)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_uprobe (struct bpf_program *prog, bool retprobe, pid_t pid, const char *binary_path, size_t func_offset)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_tracepoint (struct bpf_program *prog, const char *tp_category, const char *tp_name)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_raw_tracepoint (struct bpf_program *prog, const char *tp_name)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_trace (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_lsm (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_cgroup (struct bpf_program *prog, int cgroup_fd)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_netns (struct bpf_program *prog, int netns_fd)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_xdp (struct bpf_program *prog, int ifindex)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_freplace (struct bpf_program *prog, int target_fd, const char *attach_func_name)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_map__attach_struct_ops (struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_iter (struct bpf_program *prog, const struct bpf_iter_attach_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_prep (struct bpf_program *prog, int nr_instance, bpf_program_prep_t prep)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__nth_fd (const struct bpf_program *prog, int n)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_socket_filter (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_tracepoint (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_raw_tracepoint (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_kprobe (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_lsm (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_sched_cls (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_sched_act (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_xdp (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_perf_event (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_tracing (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_struct_ops (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_extension (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_sk_lookup (struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API enum bpf_prog_type bpf_program__get_type (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_program__set_type (struct bpf_program *prog, enum bpf_prog_type type)
LIBBPF_API enum bpf_attach_type bpf_program__get_expected_attach_type (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_program__set_expected_attach_type (struct bpf_program *prog, enum bpf_attach_type type)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_program__set_attach_target (struct bpf_program *prog, int attach_prog_fd, const char *attach_func_name)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_socket_filter (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_tracepoint (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_raw_tracepoint (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_kprobe (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_lsm (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_sched_cls (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_sched_act (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_xdp (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_perf_event (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_tracing (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_struct_ops (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_extension (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_program__is_sk_lookup (const struct bpf_program *prog)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_map * bpf_object__find_map_by_name (const struct bpf_object *obj, const char *name)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__find_map_fd_by_name (const struct bpf_object *obj, const char *name)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_map * bpf_object__find_map_by_offset (struct bpf_object *obj, size_t offset)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_map * bpf_map__next (const struct bpf_map *map, const struct bpf_object *obj)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_map * bpf_map__prev (const struct bpf_map *map, const struct bpf_object *obj)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__fd (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__reuse_fd (struct bpf_map *map, int fd)
LIBBPF_API const struct bpf_map_def * bpf_map__def (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API const char * bpf_map__name (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API enum bpf_map_type bpf_map__type (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__set_type (struct bpf_map *map, enum bpf_map_type type)
LIBBPF_API __u32 bpf_map__max_entries (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__set_max_entries (struct bpf_map *map, __u32 max_entries)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__resize (struct bpf_map *map, __u32 max_entries)
LIBBPF_API __u32 bpf_map__map_flags (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__set_map_flags (struct bpf_map *map, __u32 flags)
LIBBPF_API __u32 bpf_map__numa_node (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__set_numa_node (struct bpf_map *map, __u32 numa_node)
LIBBPF_API __u32 bpf_map__key_size (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__set_key_size (struct bpf_map *map, __u32 size)
LIBBPF_API __u32 bpf_map__value_size (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__set_value_size (struct bpf_map *map, __u32 size)
LIBBPF_API __u32 bpf_map__btf_key_type_id (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API __u32 bpf_map__btf_value_type_id (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API __u32 bpf_map__ifindex (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__set_ifindex (struct bpf_map *map, __u32 ifindex)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__set_priv (struct bpf_map *map, void *priv, bpf_map_clear_priv_t clear_priv)
LIBBPF_API void * bpf_map__priv (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__set_initial_value (struct bpf_map *map, const void *data, size_t size)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_map__is_offload_neutral (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_map__is_internal (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__set_pin_path (struct bpf_map *map, const char *path)
LIBBPF_API const char * bpf_map__get_pin_path (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_map__is_pinned (const struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__pin (struct bpf_map *map, const char *path)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__unpin (struct bpf_map *map, const char *path)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_map__set_inner_map_fd (struct bpf_map *map, int fd)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_map * bpf_map__inner_map (struct bpf_map *map)
LIBBPF_API long libbpf_get_error (const void *ptr)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_prog_load_xattr (const struct bpf_prog_load_attr *attr, struct bpf_object **pobj, int *prog_fd)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_prog_load (const char *file, enum bpf_prog_type type, struct bpf_object **pobj, int *prog_fd)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_set_link_xdp_fd (int ifindex, int fd, __u32 flags)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_set_link_xdp_fd_opts (int ifindex, int fd, __u32 flags, const struct bpf_xdp_set_link_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_get_link_xdp_id (int ifindex, __u32 *prog_id, __u32 flags)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_get_link_xdp_info (int ifindex, struct xdp_link_info *info, size_t info_size, __u32 flags)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_tc_hook_create (struct bpf_tc_hook *hook)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_tc_hook_destroy (struct bpf_tc_hook *hook)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_tc_attach (const struct bpf_tc_hook *hook, struct bpf_tc_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_tc_detach (const struct bpf_tc_hook *hook, const struct bpf_tc_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_tc_query (const struct bpf_tc_hook *hook, struct bpf_tc_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API struct ring_buffer * ring_buffer__new (int map_fd, ring_buffer_sample_fn sample_cb, void *ctx, const struct ring_buffer_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API void ring_buffer__free (struct ring_buffer *rb)
LIBBPF_API int ring_buffer__add (struct ring_buffer *rb, int map_fd, ring_buffer_sample_fn sample_cb, void *ctx)
LIBBPF_API int ring_buffer__poll (struct ring_buffer *rb, int timeout_ms)
LIBBPF_API int ring_buffer__consume (struct ring_buffer *rb)
LIBBPF_API int ring_buffer__epoll_fd (const struct ring_buffer *rb)
LIBBPF_API struct perf_buffer * perf_buffer__new (int map_fd, size_t page_cnt, const struct perf_buffer_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API struct perf_buffer * perf_buffer__new_raw (int map_fd, size_t page_cnt, const struct perf_buffer_raw_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API void perf_buffer__free (struct perf_buffer *pb)
LIBBPF_API int perf_buffer__epoll_fd (const struct perf_buffer *pb)
LIBBPF_API int perf_buffer__poll (struct perf_buffer *pb, int timeout_ms)
LIBBPF_API int perf_buffer__consume (struct perf_buffer *pb)
LIBBPF_API int perf_buffer__consume_buffer (struct perf_buffer *pb, size_t buf_idx)
LIBBPF_API size_t perf_buffer__buffer_cnt (const struct perf_buffer *pb)
LIBBPF_API int perf_buffer__buffer_fd (const struct perf_buffer *pb, size_t buf_idx)
LIBBPF_API enum bpf_perf_event_ret bpf_perf_event_read_simple (void *mmap_mem, size_t mmap_size, size_t page_size, void **copy_mem, size_t *copy_size, bpf_perf_event_print_t fn, void *private_data)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_prog_linfo__free (struct bpf_prog_linfo *prog_linfo)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_prog_linfo * bpf_prog_linfo__new (const struct bpf_prog_info *info)
LIBBPF_API const struct bpf_line_info * bpf_prog_linfo__lfind_addr_func (const struct bpf_prog_linfo *prog_linfo, __u64 addr, __u32 func_idx, __u32 nr_skip)
LIBBPF_API const struct bpf_line_info * bpf_prog_linfo__lfind (const struct bpf_prog_linfo *prog_linfo, __u32 insn_off, __u32 nr_skip)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_probe_prog_type (enum bpf_prog_type prog_type, __u32 ifindex)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_probe_map_type (enum bpf_map_type map_type, __u32 ifindex)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_probe_helper (enum bpf_func_id id, enum bpf_prog_type prog_type, __u32 ifindex)
LIBBPF_API bool bpf_probe_large_insn_limit (__u32 ifindex)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_prog_info_linear * bpf_program__get_prog_info_linear (int fd, __u64 arrays)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_program__bpil_addr_to_offs (struct bpf_prog_info_linear *info_linear)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_program__bpil_offs_to_addr (struct bpf_prog_info_linear *info_linear)
LIBBPF_API int libbpf_num_possible_cpus (void)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__open_skeleton (struct bpf_object_skeleton *s, const struct bpf_object_open_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__load_skeleton (struct bpf_object_skeleton *s)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_object__attach_skeleton (struct bpf_object_skeleton *s)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_object__detach_skeleton (struct bpf_object_skeleton *s)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_object__destroy_skeleton (struct bpf_object_skeleton *s)
LIBBPF_API struct bpf_linker * bpf_linker__new (const char *filename, struct bpf_linker_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_linker__add_file (struct bpf_linker *linker, const char *filename, const struct bpf_linker_file_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API int bpf_linker__finalize (struct bpf_linker *linker)
LIBBPF_API void bpf_linker__free (struct bpf_linker *linker)


LIBBPF_API void btf__free (struct btf *btf)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * btf__new (const void *data, __u32 size)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * btf__new_split (const void *data, __u32 size, struct btf *base_btf)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * btf__new_empty (void)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * btf__new_empty_split (struct btf *base_btf)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * btf__parse (const char *path, struct btf_ext **btf_ext)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * btf__parse_split (const char *path, struct btf *base_btf)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * btf__parse_elf (const char *path, struct btf_ext **btf_ext)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * btf__parse_elf_split (const char *path, struct btf *base_btf)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * btf__parse_raw (const char *path)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * btf__parse_raw_split (const char *path, struct btf *base_btf)
LIBBPF_API int btf__finalize_data (struct bpf_object *obj, struct btf *btf)
LIBBPF_API int btf__load (struct btf *btf)
LIBBPF_API __s32 btf__find_by_name (const struct btf *btf, const char *type_name)
LIBBPF_API __s32 btf__find_by_name_kind (const struct btf *btf, const char *type_name, __u32 kind)
LIBBPF_API __u32 btf__get_nr_types (const struct btf *btf)
LIBBPF_API const struct btf * btf__base_btf (const struct btf *btf)
LIBBPF_API const struct btf_type * btf__type_by_id (const struct btf *btf, __u32 id)
LIBBPF_API size_t btf__pointer_size (const struct btf *btf)
LIBBPF_API int btf__set_pointer_size (struct btf *btf, size_t ptr_sz)
LIBBPF_API enum btf_endianness btf__endianness (const struct btf *btf)
LIBBPF_API int btf__set_endianness (struct btf *btf, enum btf_endianness endian)
LIBBPF_API __s64 btf__resolve_size (const struct btf *btf, __u32 type_id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__resolve_type (const struct btf *btf, __u32 type_id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__align_of (const struct btf *btf, __u32 id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__fd (const struct btf *btf)
LIBBPF_API void btf__set_fd (struct btf *btf, int fd)
LIBBPF_API const void * btf__get_raw_data (const struct btf *btf, __u32 *size)
LIBBPF_API const char * btf__name_by_offset (const struct btf *btf, __u32 offset)
LIBBPF_API const char * btf__str_by_offset (const struct btf *btf, __u32 offset)
LIBBPF_API int btf__get_from_id (__u32 id, struct btf **btf)
LIBBPF_API int btf__get_map_kv_tids (const struct btf *btf, const char *map_name, __u32 expected_key_size, __u32 expected_value_size, __u32 *key_type_id, __u32 *value_type_id)
LIBBPF_API struct btf_ext * btf_ext__new (__u8 *data, __u32 size)
LIBBPF_API void btf_ext__free (struct btf_ext *btf_ext)
LIBBPF_API const void * btf_ext__get_raw_data (const struct btf_ext *btf_ext, __u32 *size)
LIBBPF_API LIBBPF_DEPRECATED ("btf_ext__reloc_func_info was never meant as a public API and has wrong assumptions embedded in it; it will be removed in the future libbpf versions") int btf_ext__reloc_func_info(const struct btf *btf
LIBBPF_API LIBBPF_DEPRECATED ("btf_ext__reloc_line_info was never meant as a public API and has wrong assumptions embedded in it; it will be removed in the future libbpf versions") int btf_ext__reloc_line_info(const struct btf *btf
LIBBPF_API __u32 btf_ext__func_info_rec_size (const struct btf_ext *btf_ext)
LIBBPF_API __u32 btf_ext__line_info_rec_size (const struct btf_ext *btf_ext)
LIBBPF_API struct btf * libbpf_find_kernel_btf (void)
LIBBPF_API int btf__find_str (struct btf *btf, const char *s)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_str (struct btf *btf, const char *s)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_type (struct btf *btf, const struct btf *src_btf, const struct btf_type *src_type)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_int (struct btf *btf, const char *name, size_t byte_sz, int encoding)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_float (struct btf *btf, const char *name, size_t byte_sz)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_ptr (struct btf *btf, int ref_type_id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_array (struct btf *btf, int index_type_id, int elem_type_id, __u32 nr_elems)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_struct (struct btf *btf, const char *name, __u32 sz)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_union (struct btf *btf, const char *name, __u32 sz)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_field (struct btf *btf, const char *name, int field_type_id, __u32 bit_offset, __u32 bit_size)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_enum (struct btf *btf, const char *name, __u32 bytes_sz)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_enum_value (struct btf *btf, const char *name, __s64 value)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_fwd (struct btf *btf, const char *name, enum btf_fwd_kind fwd_kind)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_typedef (struct btf *btf, const char *name, int ref_type_id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_volatile (struct btf *btf, int ref_type_id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_const (struct btf *btf, int ref_type_id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_restrict (struct btf *btf, int ref_type_id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_func (struct btf *btf, const char *name, enum btf_func_linkage linkage, int proto_type_id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_func_proto (struct btf *btf, int ret_type_id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_func_param (struct btf *btf, const char *name, int type_id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_var (struct btf *btf, const char *name, int linkage, int type_id)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_datasec (struct btf *btf, const char *name, __u32 byte_sz)
LIBBPF_API int btf__add_datasec_var_info (struct btf *btf, int var_type_id, __u32 offset, __u32 byte_sz)
LIBBPF_API int btf__dedup (struct btf *btf, struct btf_ext *btf_ext, const struct btf_dedup_opts *opts)
LIBBPF_API struct btf_dump * btf_dump__new (const struct btf *btf, const struct btf_ext *btf_ext, const struct btf_dump_opts *opts, btf_dump_printf_fn_t printf_fn)
LIBBPF_API void btf_dump__free (struct btf_dump *d)
LIBBPF_API int btf_dump__dump_type (struct btf_dump *d, __u32 id)
LIBBPF_API int btf_dump__emit_type_decl (struct btf_dump *d, __u32 id, const struct btf_dump_emit_type_decl_opts *opts)
static inline __u16 btf_kind(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline __u16 btf_vlen(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_kflag(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_void(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_int(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_ptr(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_array(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_struct(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_union(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_composite(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_enum(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_fwd(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_typedef(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_volatile(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_const(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_restrict(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_mod(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_func(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_func_proto(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_var(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_datasec(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline bool btf_is_float(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline __u8 btf_int_encoding(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline __u8 btf_int_offset(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline __u8 btf_int_bits(const struct btf_type *t)
static struct btf_array *btf_array(const struct btf_type *t)
static struct btf_enum *btf_enum(const struct btf_type *t)
static struct btf_member *btf_members(const struct btf_type *t)
static inline __u32 btf_member_bit_offset(const struct btf_type *t, __u32 member_idx)
static inline __u32 btf_member_bitfield_size(const struct btf_type *t, __u32 member_idx)
static struct btf_param *btf_params(const struct btf_type *t)
static struct btf_var *btf_var(const struct btf_type *t)
static struct btf_var_secinfo *btf_var_secinfos(const struct btf_type *t)